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EnDev strives to share its experience and lessons learned through events, webinars, and publications. As a partnership, EnDev shares news from the energy access network as well.

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  • News
    Celebrating International Women’s Day – what does gender equality mean to EnDev?

    On International Women’s Day, EnDev draws attention to five examples of addressing gender equality in the energy access sector – from Latin America to Asia and Africa.

  • News
    Moving to scalable business cases in Productive Use of Energy: EnDev presents practical analysis

    EnDev has collected innovative approaches, trends, and learnings connected to PUE approaches in an analysis as part of its Learning & Innovation Agenda.

  • News
    Creating a Brighter Future for Refugee-hosting Communities: SCCIF announces grant winners

    The Smart Communities Coalition Innovation Fund (SCCIF) awarded four grants to companies that will use renewable energy technologies to increase access to electricity in refugee-hosting areas of Kenya and Uganda.

  • News
    Empowering businesses in Kakuma refugee camp: the market opportunity for clean energy solutions

    The survey report presents the findings and provides recommendations on how clean energy suppliers enable refugee entrepreneurs to access electricity and clean cooking solutions for their businesses.

  • News
    EnDev’s COVID-19 support for Solar Energy Companies in Mozambique

    EnDev has introduced a financial scheme that ensures customers continue to have access to energy, while at the same time supporting companies to remain stable and operational.

  • News
    A Decade of Supporting Rural Electrification Programme in Indonesia

    Since 2009, the project has supported the Government of Indonesia in implementing rural electrification programme and is now presenting the final report.

  • News
    EnDev partners joining forces: Launch of the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility

    The Facility will be focussing on entrepreneurship and employment, care economy and energy policies and practice. Join the launch of the GEIF online on 2nd of December.

  • News
    Accelerating Energy Access Markets – closing event of the RBF Facility financed by UK Aid

    EnDev is hosting its RBF series’ finale: Join our debate by donors, implementers and the private sector on how to make results-based financing future-proof.

  • News
    EnDev gives 22.9 million people access to modern energy so far

    EnDev is proud to share its key achievements on supporting households, schools, health centers and companies gain energy access.

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    “Verification in RBF projects – Value for money or waste of time?” RBF Facility webinar series 2020

    The fourth and last webinar of the series discussed manifold ways of designing verification systems: from applying digital technology to measuring impact and using innovation.

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    “Accelerating the off-grid appliance market with RBF – e-cooking and energy efficiency” RBF Facility webinar series 2020

    The third webinar as part of the RBF webinar series on September 29 discussed the provision of energy access with the help of off-grid appliances.

  • News
    Improving Sustainability in Uganda’s Solar Market by linking to the Credit Reference System

    EnDev is happy to share a newly published paper on “Linking Off-Grid Solar Energy Companies to a Credit Reference System”.