Direct naar content EnDev
  • EnDev partners joining forces: Launch of the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility
  • Accelerating Energy Access Markets – closing event of the RBF Facility financed by UK Aid
  • EnDev gives 22.9 million people access to modern energy so far
  • “Verification in RBF projects – Value for money or waste of time?” RBF Facility webinar series 2020
  • “Accelerating the off-grid appliance market with RBF – e-cooking and energy efficiency” RBF Facility webinar series 2020
  • Improving Sustainability in Uganda’s Solar Market by linking to the Credit Reference System
  • COVID-19 Energy Access Industry Barometer – Presentation of results in a webinar hosted by EnDev
  • Launch of the Smart Communities Coalition Innovation Fund (SCCIF) for energy access in refugee settlements
  • Reaching the bottom of the pyramid with RBF – wishful thinking or reality? RBF Facility webinar series 2020
  • Gender and Energy Innovation Facility launched to spur innovations for gender-inclusive energy access
  • COVID-19: Energy Access Industry Barometer
  • Virtual Event Launch of the State of the Global Mini-Grids Market Report