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EnDev strives to share its experience and lessons learned through events, webinars, and publications. As a partnership, EnDev shares news from the energy access network as well.

For reports and learning products visit the download area
  • News
    The Vulnerability Access Index: How to develop solar markets in Tanzania’s rural areas

    rt of the Results-based Financing Facility (RBFF), EnDev created the Vulnerability Access Index (VAI) as an innovative way to value and incentivise companies to reach deeper into more socioeconomically challenged and vulnerable regions.

  • News
    New fund to support innovation in Rwanda’s cooking energy sector

    In Rwanda, EnDev formally launched the Cooking Energy Business Growth Fund (CEBGF), that aims to select and provide financing as well as tailored trainings to up to the best 10 businesses proposals.

  • News
    Gender and Energy Innovation Facility: Bridging gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain

    A partnership among various donors supports eleven organizations in Kenya, Tanzania and Nepal to pilot their innovative idea. These pilots will all address persistent gender challenges in energy access, use, provision and transition.

  • News
    Doˈs and Dontˈs: EnDev publishes guidebook and video series after inspections at 300 mini-grid locations

    EnDev was aiming to share experiences and knowledges and new progressions in the field of mini grid. It carries the same mandate to contribute to sustainable energy access particularly PV mini-grids. Different knowledge products were developed as part of this effort.

  • News
    COP26: EnDev and partners highlight on the urgent need of renewables in the agricultural sector

    At the SDG7 pavillon EnDev organised a panel discussion with a focus on productive use of energy and its positive co-benefits on climate change mitigation.

  • News
    The EnDev Tanzania Green Economic Recovery Fund – customer insights on the Productive Use of Energy

    What are the current usage trends and future aspirations for productive use of energy products by rural off-grid solar customers? EnDev presents a report with customer insights on Productive Use of Energy in Tanzania.

  • News
    Clean Cooking: How to promote behavioural change among households and communities

    A new publication published by EnDev aims to identify, systematize and disseminate inspirational best practices and approaches to promote behavioural change towards the adoption and sustained use of cleaner cooking solutions among low-income households.

  • News
    UN High Level Dialogue on Energy: EnDev takes action on SDG7 and clean cooking for all

    In the preparation of the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, Malawi, Kenya and The Netherlands took the lead as ‘Champions’ and organised a side event on the subject of …

  • News
    Cooking Energy in Displacement Settings – All Relevant Cooking Systems in a Word

    This webinar, second in the series provides a brief snapshot of relevant cooking energy systems such as processed biomass, firewood, e-cooking, LPG, ethanol and biogas.

  • News
    “Giving RBF a voice” – a summary of 17 success stories featuring entrepreneurs who benefitted from EnDev’s RBF Facility

    After closing a 7-year Facility for Results-based Financing (RBF) financed by UK Aid, EnDev has collected project closing stories in a booklet, giving 17 entrepreneurs in 14 countries a voice.

  • News
    The Hidden Side of Energy Access: Understanding Clean Cooking

    ESMAP, in partnership with the World Bank’s Open Learning Campus, will be organizing a virtual Knowledge Exchange linked to an e-learning on clean cooking. EnDev will be attending one of the four live sessions centered on key concepts for clean cooking.

  • News
    EnDev Uganda’s COVID-19 Relief Fund for the Solar and Cookstove Sector

    With the support of BMZ and in cooperation with the partner ministry, EnDev Uganda set up an Economic Relief Fund to help solar and cookstove companies and protect energy access achievements in Uganda.