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EnDev strives to share its experience and lessons learned through events, webinars, and publications. As a partnership, EnDev shares news from the energy access network as well.

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  • News
    Nexus of modern energy services with connectivity and digital tools in refugee settlements

    Following the first successful call for proposals, the Smart Communities Coalition Innovation Fund (SCCIF) launched its second call for proposals focusing on the nexus of modern energy services with connectivity and digital tools (or both) for refugee-hosting areas in Uganda.

  • News
    EnDev at the SEforALL Forum in Kigali

    Sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and discussing solutions towards realizing SDG 7: As one of the leading programmes for energy access, EnDev will be well represented at the 2022 SEforALL Forum.

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    Increasing awareness and uptake of improved cookstoves among host and refugee communities

    Since 2017, EnDev and SNV have supported the private sector to enter the market in Kakuma and sell solar products and improved cookstoves to the host and refugee communities.

  • News
    A resilient infrastructure at the service of local development: the Hybrid Power Plant of the rural commune of N’Tjiba

    How the hybrid power plant of N’Tjiba, for nearly seven  years, continues to sustainably meet the energy needs in the rural commune of N’Tjiba.

  • News
    What are the linkages between the financial sector and the energy access market?

    EnDev Ethiopia is excited to share a report which addresses this important and crucial question. The assessment informing this report was carried out in 2020 and provides an insight into the Ethiopian financial sector.

  • News
    EnDev’s SIINC pilot at the First International Cooperation (IC) Forum Switzerland

    EnDev will be sharing insights from its Social Impact Incentives (SIINC) off-grid energy pilot at the Swiss IC Forum. The hybrid conference is a platform for experts from different backgrounds and countries to find innovative solutions to issues connected to climate change.

  • News
    Exploring the market for eCooking: Insights from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

    EnDev and the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) Programme present a series of studies assessing market potentials for electric cooking (eCooking). The studies describe opportunities in eight countries with EnDev projects in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and provide recommendations for targeted interventions towards the clean cooking agenda.

  • News
    How women and girls are combatting climate change by working towards sustainable energy solutions

    According to United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the theme of this years’ International Women’s Day is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. EnDev sheds light on five impressive examples from its focus countries.

  • News
    Enabling Environment for Pay-As-You-Go in Ethiopia

    A study was carried out by EnDev Ethiopia in cooperation with Financial Systems Development (FSD) component. In Ethiopia, EnDev is supporting the development of an enabling environment for off-grid renewable energy and energy efficiency investments.

  • News
    How Results-based Financing made the Mini-grid sector in rural Rwanda thrive

    The recently published report outlines the design, implementation, results and lessons learned of the 7-year RBFF program with the aim of supporting privately developed mini-grids in Rwanda.   

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    EnDev with support from the IKEA Foundation reveal details about the PUE sector in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

    he SEFFA project, aiming to support scalable business cases in agricultural value chains of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, has commissioned a PUE study.

  • News
    How to create electricity-based livelihood? EnDev presents solutions for refugee settings

    The publication sheds light on some of the key challenges for companies, innovators and start-ups when delivering energy access solutions in refugee settings.