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EnDev strives to share its experience and lessons learned through events, webinars, and publications. As a partnership, EnDev shares news from the energy access network as well.

For reports and learning products visit the download area
  • News
    Clean Cooking Masterclass – The Fundraising Journey

    Last month, the “Clean Cooking Masterclass” took place virtually, which was organised by EnDev and GET.invest, in partnership with the Clean Cooking Alliance.

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    How to sustainably electrify people living in off-grid areas? EnDev presents a guide on rural off-grid electrification.

    EnDev’s guide on rural off-grid electrification, which was developed as part of the EnDev Learning & Innovation Agenda and launched at the Vienna Energy Forum 2021, aims to help increase the implementation and sustainability of projects dedicated to delivering electricity to rural off-grid areas.

  • News
    Transforming energy access markets with RBF – Lessons from 7 years of implementation under EnDev’s RBF Facility financed by UK Aid

    How can Results-based Financing (RBF) help overcome market barriers to modern energy services? Which approaches and design features work best in which circumstances and why? In a brand new report, EnDev shares its lessons learnt from implementing 17 projects across 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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    Into the future with sustainable energy and 23.8 million people reached

    EnDev is pleased to share its key achievements in 2020 on supporting people, schools, health centres and companies gain access to modern energy. EnDev will continue to create inclusive energy …

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    EnDev and the IKEA Foundation launch renewables project at Vienna Energy Forum to support smallholder farmers

    This three-year project aims to empower the agricultural sector by working closely with smallholder farmers, agri-businesses and solar enterprises in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.

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    EnDev at the Vienna Energy Forum 2021

    EnDev will encourage dialogue among practitioners and project stakeholders at the Vienna Energy Forum.

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    The Green Economic Recovery Fund in Tanzania

    EnDev established a dedicated national off-grid solar Green Economic Recovery Fund based on a result-based financing (RBF) scheme in Tanzania.

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    Promoting solar energy in rural areas of Benin

    EnDev Benin has initiated actions in order to support the partner companies of the sector that were victims of the restrictive measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    13 years of impact in Ghana

    In 2019, EnDev ended its interventions in Ghana after 13 years of implementation. Yet, now more than ever, EnDev partners are making Productive Use of Energy a main pillar of their support.

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    How to tackle energy needs in displacement settings? EnDev and Practical Action present a joint publication

    The knowledge product as part of the EnDev Learning & Innovation Agenda aims to help increase the rate of implementation in the area of humanitarian energy.

  • News
    Rigorous Verification of Results: Value for Money or Waste of Time?

    In a new knowledge product, EnDev shares lessons learnt from 7 years of designing and implementing verification systems under the UK Aid-financed RBF Facility.

  • News
    COVID-19: EnDev presents set of instruments for relief and Green Economic Recovery

    EnDev quickly reacted to the emerging crisis in the off-grid energy sector in 2020. This article introduces a new publication outlining the different instruments EnDev applied to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the geographical spread of these interventions and lessons learned.