Direct naar content EnDev
  • EnDev at the Vienna Energy Forum 2021
  • The Green Economic Recovery Fund in Tanzania
  • Promoting solar energy in rural areas of Benin
  • 13 years of impact in Ghana
  • How to tackle energy needs in displacement settings? EnDev and Practical Action present a joint publication
  • Rigorous Verification of Results: Value for Money or Waste of Time?
  • COVID-19: EnDev presents set of instruments for relief and Green Economic Recovery
  • Celebrating International Women’s Day – what does gender equality mean to EnDev?
  • Moving to scalable business cases in Productive Use of Energy: EnDev presents practical analysis
  • Creating a Brighter Future for Refugee-hosting Communities: SCCIF announces grant winners
  • Empowering businesses in Kakuma refugee camp: the market opportunity for clean energy solutions
  • EnDev’s COVID-19 support for Solar Energy Companies in Mozambique