EnDev RBF Facility Webinar Series & Closing Event 2020: Insights from 7 Years of Implementation

EnDev shed light on implementation of the RBF Facility from beginning to end: How has it influenced the energy access sector, where are we standing today and where are we heading? These questions were addressed in multiple webinars and a big closing event in December 2020.
From 2013 to 2020, the Energising Development (EnDev) partnership piloted results-based financing (RBF) approaches to enhance energy access markets with funding provided by UK Aid. EnDev´s RBF Facility (RBFF) comprises 17 projects across 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It covers a wide range of modern energy technologies. By 2020, EnDev’s RBFF reached 5.8 million people with improved access to energy.
The webinar series
Although EnDev’s RBFF is phased out in 2020, applying RBF in the sector does not stop here – the prospects were bright and promising. EnDev thus wanted to share experiences in implementing this rich portfolio of projects. It thus combined perspectives of a variety of stakeholders ranging from public funders, RBF practitioners and the private sector to answer some crucial questions:
- Can RBF develop self-sustaining markets for energy and achieve additional results?
- Is RBF a “better” alternative to other development cooperation modalities?
- What RBF-approaches and design features worked in which circumstances and why?
The webinars
From June until November 2020, a webinar series addressed the following topics in the run-up to the final closing event:
- Transforming energy markets with RBF – hype or hope? 18 June
Speakers: DFID, EnDev, Particip GmbH, RBFF project examples from Vietnam and Benin - Reaching the bottom of the pyramid with RBF – wishful thinking or reality? 30 July
Speakers: EnDev, RBFF project examples from Rwanda, Tanzania, and Malawi - Accelerating the off-grid appliance market with RBF. 29 September
Speakers: CLASP, RBFF project examples from Kenya and Bangladesh, MECS Nepal – off-grid appliances (TVs, fans, refrigerators) and electric cooking - Verification in RBF projects – value for money or waste of time? 3 November
Speakers: EnDev, RBFF project examples from Mekong region and Kenya
Closing event on 9 December 2020
Accelerating Energy Access Markets – Looking back and beyond 7 years of implementing the Results-based Financing (RBF) facility financed by UK Aid: High-level Panel Discussion
Closing the RBF Facility´s circle from beginning to end, in this virtual debate, development partners discussed how to make the RBF approach future-proof. The panel discussion featured 5 representatives of donors, partner ministries and private sector (FCDO, EnDev, DGIS, Ministry of Energy of Kenya, GDC, Greenlight Planet) who each presented their experiences on applying RBF in the energy access sector.
For further information please contact sarah.wollring@giz.de or franziska.munzinger@giz.de.