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Liberia is vastly affected by inadequate access to healthcare, education, and basic utilities such as energy. Many Liberians are suffering from significant energy poverty, and only 32 percent of the population has access to electricity, the majority of which through off-grid solar (OGS) solutions, while access to clean cooking solutions is virtually non-existent. The Government of Liberia’s priority is to achieve universal electricity access by 2030. EnDev’s main objectives are closely aligned with these priorities, putting a particular focus on the off-grid solar sector and cooking energy sectors.

Technologies used in this project

  • Improved cookstoves
  • Stand-alone systems

Country data

  • People with access to electricity: 122*
  • People with access to improved cooking: 232*
  • SIs with access to modern energy services: 38*
  • *Achievements for Liberia until December 2023. Formerly, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea were part of a multi-country approach. As of 07/23, Sierra Leone and Liberia are presented separately, whereas Guinea ended in 12/2023.
An app for health and safety


EnDev Liberia develops markets for solar systems and improved cookstoves and supports health and educational facilities. Working closely with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA), EnDev focuses on the poorest communities, promotes gender equality, and contributes to inclusive growth and environmental sustainability.

Energy Access through Demand-Side Subsidies (DSS)

EnDev Liberia pilots DSS to facilitate access to electricity – in particular, solar home systems (SHS) – for low-income and vulnerable communities. The DSS directly reduce end-consumer prices for the most vulnerable households. BRAC Liberia serves as fund manager to the DSS pilot. For more information on DSS, see the blue box below.

Cleaner Cooking Energy

The market for improved cookstoves (ICS) in Liberia is still in its infancy. EnDev is developing various interventions aimed at achieving a conclusive market environment for the manufacturing, distribution, and utilisation of ICS for household use, including closing the financing and affordability gap as well as raising awareness. Additionally, EnDev provides institutional stoves to schools in remote and vulnerable areas.

Energising Health

EnDev Liberia electrifies more than 300 health facilities based on solar lighting systems and solar direct-drive (SDD) vaccine fridges. Especially the installation of 169 SDD fridges will bring vaccines to last mile patients – those that otherwise could only reached by shuttling vaccines last minute in ice boxes. The Energising Health facility is implemented with ear-marked funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is closely coordinated with the Liberian Ministry of Health and the RREA.

Learn more about EnDev’s approach
A Liberian woman is washing her hands in an outside sink.
A Liberian woman washing her hands: Running water thanks to solar electricity.

Energy Access through Demand-Side Subsidies

Funded by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EnDev’s Energy Access through Demand-Side Subsidies component seeks to develop and pilot Demand Side Subsidy (DSS) mechanisms to facilitate access to modern energy services for vulnerable populations who are currently unable to access commercial off-grid solar and cooking markets.

In Liberia, the DSS pilot aims to enable access to quality off-grid solar products and foster market expansion in vulnerable, hard-to-reach counties. DSS will be conducted through a jointly-implemented RBF facility in partnership with the Government of Liberia’s Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA) and the World Bank.

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Download the DSS Liberia Factsheet

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