Since 2015, EnDev works on a programme to address the negative social, economic, environmental, and health impacts of traditional cooking in rural Cambodia. By mid-2020, it shifted its strategy from a supply development approach and Results-Based Financing (RBF) to awareness creation and capacity building of local institutes to provide Behaviour Change Communication for clean cooking.
This is taking place under the so-called Smoke-Free Village (SFV) approach. This strategy aligns with the National Strategic Development Plan, the Cambodia Basic Energy Plan and Health Plans to prevent non-communicable diseases and has been built on the approach for Community Led Total Sanitation.
Technologies used in this project
- Alternative-fuel cooking
- Improved cookstoves
Country data
- People with access to clean cooking: 10,620*
- *Achievements until December 2023. Formerly, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam were part of a multi-country approach. Since 07/2023, each country is presented separately with a separate budget and individual indicative targets.
The SFV approach builds further on SNV’s (implementing partner) experiences in the cooking sector and on successful Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for all programmes aiming for Open Defecation Free villages. It encompasses demand, supply and enabling environment with a focus on behaviour:
Demand: The Smoke-Free Village is a gender-based approach that targets villages with behavioural change communication that is creating a collective desire for clean cooking.
Supply: the demand creation stemming from the SFV stimulates the supply and increases access to clean cooking products provided by local shops as well as national producers of clean biomass stoves.
Enabling environment: SFV builds capacities of governments like the Commune Councils for Women and Children, as well as institutes like schools, health centres, and pagodas that fosters a change in cooking norms and shift systems to function beyond the dependency of the programme.
The Smoke-Free Village programme will continue until 2024 and has a learning focus. its lessons learned will inform the energy, climate, and health sectors to what extent this approach can be effectively replicated.
Learn more about EnDev´s approach
Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Clean Cooking (SEE-CC)
In close partnership with EnDev, the SEE-CC programme introduces a new private-sector approach to promote clean and affordable cooking in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Niger and Uganda.
Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Clean Cooking (SEE-CC)