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The majority of people in Bangladesh live in rural areas, and they rely on biomass for most of their energy needs. The traditional biomass cookstoves used by most rural households for cooking burn fuel inefficiently and cause indoor air pollution, leading to illnesses and premature deaths. Access to piped natural gas is limited and mainly concentrated in urban/ peri-urban areas. The use of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) has seen rapid growth over the last decade and is expected to increase further. The government has declared achievement of 100% electrification in 2022. However, electricity access remains unreliable for poorer segments of the population in some areas.

Technologies used in this project

  • Improved cookstoves
  • Stand-alone systems

Country data

  • People with access to modern cooking energy: 2,247,461*
  • People with access to electricity: 1,823,858*
  • SIs with access to modern energy services: 969*
  • MSMEs with access to modern energy services: 25,482*
  • *Achievements until December 2023


EnDev Bangladesh supports the provision of clean cooking as well as the Productive Use of Solar Energy. The programme currently focuses on development of the market for eCooking appliances, support for biomass based improved cookstoves, including policy support for the sector, and demonstration of business case for solar battery charging stations for e-rickshaws. During the COVID-19 pandemic, EnDev undertook initiatives to support affected communities using clean energy technology interventions.


EnDev plans to support the development of the eCooking appliance market through incentives for the manufactures and importers under a result-based financing (RBF) scheme. To facilitate this process, EnDev will support SREDA for finalising the standards and labelling guidelines. In addition, EnDev plans to implement an awareness and consumer education campaign about eCooking appliances in a focus region. In 2020, EnDev supported an initiative for field testing of hybrid on-grid off-grid eCooking technology.

ICS component

EnDev supports the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation to promote biomass-based improved cookstoves as well as the training of stove builders and sales staff, with a focus on women for repair and after-sales services. EnDev also provides support to manufactures of commercial and institutional Bondhu Chula to expand their marketing and increase sales. Further, EnDev continues to support the Household Energy Platform under SREDA to enhance coordination between stakeholders in the improved cookstove sector and the development of the National Action Plan for Clean Cooking.

Battery charging component

The EnDev intervention aims to demonstrate business cases for solar battery charging of e-rickshaws either as stand-alone or grid connected net metering systems. EnDev will collaborate with SREDA, ongoing GIZ energy projects and the planned transformative mobility DKTI project, which covers the e-mobility strategies and the regulatory framework for the transport sector. The intervention is focused on a peri-urban and/or rural area with relevant e-rickshaw business and a reasonably stable power supply (advanced state of implementation of Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board’s (BREB) ongoing overhaul and improvement of the distribution network). Once the business has been demonstrated, relevant stakeholders such as e-rickshaw operators, BREB, local government, as well as local financial institutions would be targeted with awareness and training activities to facilitate replication and scale-up.


Learn more about EnDev´s approach
A Bangladeshan woman is cooking on a very large top on a clay stove.
Cooking on a “Bondhu Chula”: The stoves with the chimneys are sold all across Bangladesh.


In the current phase (2021-2023), EnDev expects to reach the following targets:

  • 230,000 additional people will gain access to clean cooking technology for household use
  • 6,600 additional SMEs will use improved cookstoves for productive use
  • 1,250 additional jobs will be created for women
  • 32 additional SMEs will have demonstrated solar battery charging business cases for replication

In terms of gender, EnDev has established a cooperation with the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation which enables women to provide maintenance services for ICS. So far, 1500 women have been trained, which is a huge success in country which normally upholds traditional gender norms in job roles.

Jamal Uddin: A stove that changes more than the way of cooking

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Clean Cooking (SEE-CC)

In close partnership with EnDev, the SEE-CC programme introduces a new private-sector approach to promote clean and affordable cooking in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Niger and Uganda.

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Clean Cooking (SEE-CC)

Other projects

  • Cambodia

    Through SNV, EnDev works on a programme to address the negative social, economic, environmental, and health impacts of traditional cooking in rural Cambodia.

  • Nepal

    EnDev helps financing grid extension to rural areas. It also supports remote communities in gaining access to electricity from micro hydro power plants.