Nexus of modern energy services with connectivity and digital tools in refugee settlements

Following the first successful call for proposals, the Smart Communities Coalition Innovation Fund (SCCIF) launched its second call for proposals focusing on the nexus of modern energy services with connectivity and digital tools (or both) for refugee-hosting areas in Uganda.
The main objective of the SCCIF is to advance the model of public-private co-design and co-implementation of energy access programs in order to enable the private sector to meaningfully engage in humanitarian settings. The fund is part of the Smart Communities Coalition (SCC), which was established in January 2018. Successful proposals will receive project financing from EUR 40,000 to EUR 80,000 to implement innovative, sustainable approaches for delivering services linking energy with connectivity and digital tools (or both) with a view to create economic opportunities in refugee communities of Uganda and their host communities. The implementation period is set to September 2022 to September 2023. The SCCIF is managed by Energising Development (EnDev) with funding from USAID.
The second Call for Proposals is open from May 10, 2022 to June 1, 2022. For more information on the application process, please click here.
About Smart Communities Coalition
SCC is a coalition co-chaired by Mastercard and USAID. It enables innovative and sustainable approaches to the delivery of basic services, creating economic opportunities for the forcibly displaced and their host communities. Its network of public and private organizations boasts 50+ members and focuses on three pillars: energy, connectivity, and digital tools.
About EnDev Uganda
Energising Development Uganda is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and collaborates closely with the Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) to support market development for modern and sustainable access to energy for households, small and medium size enterprises and social institutions.