From innovation in cooking energy to results-based financing: Looking back at the SEforALL Forum

As one of the leading programmes for providing energy access, EnDev was part of the SEforALL Forum in Kigali, Rwanda, from 17 to 19 of May 2022. EnDev’s involvement included sessions on clean cooking as well as the topic of transforming energy access markets.
The SEforALL Forum in Kigali served as an important platform for different stakeholders to discuss successes as well as further action on the path to sustainable energy for all. Here are some insights from EnDev’s contributions:
- SDG Marketplace: EnDev Rwanda hosted a side event at the SDG Marketplace to support innovation in clean cooking energy in Rwanda. At the event, the Cooking Energy Business Growth Fund (CEBGF) for Rwanda announced the 14 winners selected for grant support for their innovative approaches to environmentally friendly cooking energy solutions. The winners of the fund presented a variety of cooking energy innovations, such as improved cookstove production, stove testing, briquettes and pellets production, as well as marketing and distribution of the products. Over the past two months, the entrepreneurs received business development support, including a business assessment, business training, and individualized consulting. Further, they will continue to receive constant support from SNV and GIZ, to ensure their business plans are implemented. The 14 winners announced at the SEforALL Forum’s side event will receive a grant of ten to 40 million RWF per winner to financially support the implementation of the presented business ideas. During the ceremony, the top three overall winners, namely 1) Eco-Green Solution Ltd., 2) BioMassters Limited, and 3) Enviro Green Conserve Company Ltd., received 2 million RWF, 1.5 million RWF, and 1 million RWF, as additional appreciation prizes, respectively.
- About the Cooking Energy Business Growth Fund (CEBGF): CEBGF is part of EnDev’s component ‘Reducing Climate Impact of Cooking in Rwanda through improved cooking energy systems” (ReCIC), co-funded by the European Union and Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Including Modern Energy Cooking in Energy Planning: EnDev co-organised the session “Including Modern Energy Cooking in Energy Planning”, together with Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). The objective of the session was to shed light on the high current market potentials of eCooking in a number of countries. EnDev and MECS have explored the potential systematically in eight EnDev partner countries. These suggest that a major limiting factor is the enabling environment, especially reliable electricity supply as a precondition to use for eCooking. In order to get there, integrated energy planning is needed – including the alignment of access targets in (rural) electrification and clean cooking. Championing countries such as Kenya and Nepal presented their progressive clean cooking strategies and plans. The utility Kenya Power reflected on the electricity generation and distribution capacities. New interactive planning tools such as the Clean Cooking Planning tool by ESMAP or the (Cooking) Energy Access Explorer by RWI can support policy development. The private sector stands ready and keeps on developing efficient eCooking appliances, to serve the cooking needs of the customers. Important elements of energy planning raised by the participants during the Q&A were long term sustainability of planning and actions taken as well as a user focus, to keep the needs of the customers and users at the center of political strategies and energy plans.
- For further information: Please contact
- Closing Plenary: Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of GIZ, was part of the closing plenary of the SEforALL Forum via a video message. In her statement, she raised the question of how local energy companies can be encouraged to reach out to poorer customers – in order to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all as laid out in SDG 7. Tanja Gönner emphasised the crucial role of results-based financing when it comes to triggering market development and contributing to a wider sector transformation – while leaving no one behind. In her statement, she highlighted the leading role EnDev plays: “The multi-donor partnership Energising Development – known by probably many of you as EnDev – has been pioneering results-based financing for almost ten years. I am proud of what EnDev has achieved so far – in terms of concrete results in providing energy access but as well in terms of contributing to the global learning agenda.”
- About RBF within EnDev: Click here to learn more.
SEforALL Forum organizers
The 2022 SEforALL Forum is organized by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and the Government of Rwanda.
- SEforALL is an international organization that works in partnership with the United Nations and leaders in government, the private sector, financial institutions, civil society, and philanthropies to drive faster action towards the achievement of SDG7 – access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030 – in line with the Paris Agreement on climate.
- Co-host is the Government of Rwanda, which has announced an ambitious climate action agenda that features a 38% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to business as usual by 2030.