With an electricity access rate of 65% and a clean cooking access rate of 32%, Senegal still has about 5.5 million people without access to electricity and about 11 million people without access to clean cooking. Rural areas still predominantly rely on wood and charcoal. There are several obstacles to countryside electrification such as a lack of regulatory framework and weak financial structures. However, the potential for renewable electricity generation is large. EnDev supports the country by helping to establish a commercial supply chain for improved cookstoves and facilitating access to electricity in rural areas. It thereby also enhances the electrification of social institutions as well as productive use of clean energy.
Technologies used in this project
- Grid
- Improved cookstoves
- Solar mini-grids
- Stand-alone systems
Country data
- People with access to modern cooking energy: 2,331,791*
- People with access to electricity: 76,997*
- SIs with access to modern energy services: 1,296*
- MSMEs with access to modern energy services: 1,025*
- *Achievements until December 2023
The EnDev Senegal project comprises two major components: improved cookstoves (ICS) and rural electrification. The first component promotes improved cookstoves by establishing a commercial supply chain and creating the basic structure for dynamic and sustainable markets for ICSs. The country project provides training for stove producers in techniques and tools, thus helps transitioning from artisanal production to semi-industrial production. EnDev is also responsible for quality control of ICS. Further support measures are: establishing and supporting of a variety of sales structures, collaborating with micro finance institutes, reanimating the union of whitesmiths, addressing energy for cooking in the social infrastructure sector, and improving the charcoal production chain.
In its second component, EnDev Senegal facilitates access to electricity in rural areas, thereby decreasing reliance on the already overburdened national grid. Based on an assessment of the ability and willingness to pay for electricity, EnDev identified interventions to serve different demands of households and social institutions. Electricity is provided by village grids (PV-diesel hybrid) or by individual solar home systems (in smaller villages) based on technical and economic criteria. The households pay on a fee-for-service basis. In each case private enterprises are responsible for installing and maintaining the system in order to ensure correct and long-lasting use. Of the hardware cost, 70 percent is subsidised by EnDev while the remainder is contributed by the operator and the municipality concerned.
Specific activities for the electrification of rural areas include developing the technical package (mini-grids), identifying and selecting target communities, sensitising and mobilising communities (their own contribution), tendering and supervising hardware installation, and supporting the tender and selection of the private operator. EnDev further provides the private operators with business and technical training, rehabilitates existing but non-operational systems as well as trains personnel for operation and maintenance and business procedures.

The ICSs supported by EnDev prove to save 47 percent of firewood compared to a traditional three-stone fire. Therefore, firewood savings are substantial: almost 27 kg are saved in every household per week after the introduction of the ICS – even taken into account that traditional stoves like three-stones are still used as an additional way of food preparation. Impact assessments showed that firewood savings are equally highly appreciated as time savings concerning firewood collection and – if firewood is bought – also monetary savings. Another highly appreciated aspect was the reduction in smoke emissions that lead to a significantly lower rate of respiratory diseases among ICS owners.
Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking: Kenya and Senegal
The project “Promotion of Climate-Friendly Cooking: Kenya and Senegal” is commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Kenya’s Ministry of Energy, and Senegal’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. The project is associated to the EnDev partnership and builds on the huge success of the EnDev programme. The aim is to accelerate the growth of a sustainable market for affordable, high quality improved cookstoves by supporting the demand as well as the supply side. The project will lead to GHG emission reductions of 6.47 megatons (Mt) of CO₂ equivalent during the implementation period and to an additional reduction of about 25 Mt of CO₂ equivalent until 2030, directly benefitting 11.23 million people. The project supports the Governments of Kenya and Senegal in reaching their sector specific NDC targets until 2030.
Further information
For more information on the energy situation in Senegal see energypedia.