UN High Level Dialogue on Energy: EnDev takes action on SDG7 and clean cooking for all

In the preparation of the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, Malawi, Kenya and The Netherlands took the lead as ‘Champions’ and organised a side event on the subject of Clean Cooking, supported by the Energising Develoment programme
For the first time in 40 years, the subject of access to energy was high at the agenda of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Countries gathered to share ambitions, goals and commitments on how to bridge the gap between those who have and those who do not yet have access to affordable, clean energy.
Government represenatives of Malawi and Kenya took the lead in announcing ambitious targets and plans to ensure access to energy for clean cooking for everyone by 2030. Other countries followed this example and indicated that access to clean cooking is a priority on their policy agenda.
Most countries also stated that they need support from OECD countries in obtaining access to technology, technical assistance and finance.
Jan Cloin, on behalf of EnDev indicated that “ Our team is ready to support even more countries to develop ambitious strategies and translate these into concrete actions, to transform lives in urban and rural areas. We have both the expertise and the network to facilitate these multi-stakeholder processes with governments, NGOs, consumer groups and the private sector, so that everyone gets a voice. “
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