Transforming energy access markets with RBF – Hype or Hope? RBF Facility webinar series 2020

The first event of our RBF Facility’s webinar series on 18th June discussed the potential of results-based financing (RBF) projects to transform energy access markets.
In the framework of the RBF Facility’s webinar series, EnDev wants to share lessons learnt in piloting RBF approaches to enhance energy access markets with funding provided by UK Aid. EnDev´s RBF Facility (RBFF) encompasses 17 projects across 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America covering a wide range of modern energy technologies such as photovoltaic systems, micro hydro power plants, improved cookstoves and biogas. In this webinar series, we invite RBF donors, implementers, beneficiaries from all levels interested in learning about and/or sharing relevant RBF experiences.
The 1st webinar: 18 June 2020, 10:00-11:00 CET
By building on the RBF approach, EnDev’s Facility aims to bring energy access markets to scale and trigger a lasting market transformation. In recent years however, the voices of general criticism, arguing that RBF is expensive and that it produces only short-term results, became louder. Given this background, we wanted to discuss some crucial questions with you:
- Does RBF as a development cooperation tool offer more than one-off cash injections to energy companies?
- Can RBF encourage sustainable market development and business models?
- And what about private sector leverage?
The first webinar of the series on 18 June, 10:00-11:00 CET, discussed the potential of RBF projects to transform energy access markets and under which circumstances market transformation effects are strongest. After introducing general insights obtained in the “Market Transformation Survey” conducted by an external evaluator of the RBFF, we invited practitioners to share their implementation experiences from the biogas sector in Vietnam as well as the development of the Solar Pico PV market in Benin. Following the inputs by our speakers, we engaged in a lively discussion on whether using RBF as a tool to support the transformation of energy markets is only a hype – or actually a hope.
- Welcome remarks: RBF Facility at a glance and key outcomes Philip Mann, DFID and Barbara Richard, EnDev HQ (GIZ)
- Preliminary results from Market Transformation Survey Geert Engelsman, Particip GmbH
- Biogas in Vietnam: from subsidy-dependency towards a market driven sector Bastiaan Teune, EnDev Vietnam (SNV)
- Market Development of PAYGO Solar in Benin Razvan Sandru, EnDev Benin (GIZ)
- Discussion and Conclusion
Follow-up documents
- Summary EnDev RBFF webinar 1: Transforming energy markets with RBF – hype or hope?
- PPT slide deck EnDev RBFF webinar 1: Transforming energy markets with RBF – hype or hope?
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