EnDev now seeks to support access to electricity and improved cooking for more than 36 million people by 2025. As of December 2023, EnDev’s results stand at:
Sustainable access to modern energy has multiple positive effects on nearly all aspects of social and economic life, and even the environment. As a result of access to energy, impacts are evident across a broad range of socio-economic dimensions including poverty alleviation, health, gender, and income generation.
Monitoring & Evaluation
EnDev’s achievements speak for themselves. More than 31 million people now benefit, across social and economic dimensions, from access to modern energy. However, reported achievements require an equally powerful system for monitoring. A robust and reliable system for monitoring and evaluation delivers high quality data on energy access to individuals, institutions and enterprises, supported by macro-level data on markets, public health and climate mitigation. Reporting of results follows diligent and transparent monitoring methodologies, avoiding duplication.
But the numbers don’t stop there. Impact and sustainability studies provide information that link energy access, poverty alleviation, economic and social development, gender and the needs of vulnerable groups like refugees and displaced persons. Reports, strategies and further information about EnDev’s achievements can be found here.
EnDev’s state-of-the-art monitoring approach includes a comprehensive verification and validation system. Solid verification and validation of EnDev’s monitoring and reporting procedures safeguards reliability and traceability of reported outcomes and increases transparency and accountability.
Insights from EnDev’s Phased-Out Projects
Explore EnDev’s impactful journey in countries where projects have been phased out. In these countries, we worked on addressing the energy access gap by helping strengthen markets for various energy access technologies. Read our comprehensive evaluations to learn about the impact EnDev’s interventions had on sector development and to what extent local institutions are now equipped to make a sustainable contribution to the energy access market. These summaries showcase the outcomes of EnDev projects and provide lessons learnt in the programme’s efforts to provide affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions. If you are interested in the full reports, please contact endev@giz.de.