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EnDev is committed to share its experience. Available for download here are reports, learning products, factsheets, and annual plannings.

  • 2025

    • While Uganda has implemented strong and progressive refugee policies, including integrating refugees into host communities, energy poverty remains disproportionately high within refugee hosting districts. EnDev's demand-side subsidies (DSS) pilot therefore focuses on benefiting refugees and host communities as well as other vulnerable rural areas.

    • Factsheet —  

      In Malawi, the demand-side subsidies (DSS) pilot aims to bridge the affordability gap for the most vulnerable in Malawi by targeting those classified as ‘poorer’ and ‘poorest’. EnDev utilises a results-based financing approach to deliver subsidies to eligible beneficiaries and support access to a range of quality-certified products, including solar home systems and improved cookstoves .

    • Factsheet —  

      In Liberia, electrification rates are low, with only 18% of the population connected to the national grid and another 14% connected by off-grid solutions such as mini-grids or off-grid solar (OGS) products. Demand-side subisidies aim to bridge the affordability gap for the poorest and hardest-to-reach by targeting counties with high multi-dimensional poverty.

    • Factsheet —  

      The DSS pilot in Niger focuses on benefiting refugees, internally displaced people, and host communities with firsttime electricity access in the communes Bagaroua, Bangui, and Guidan-Roumdji. With the pilot, EnDev aims to close the affordability gap for underserved beneficiaries and improve the reach of
      commercially viable markets by strengthening the supply and demand side in the targeted regions.

    • Factsheet —  

      Supply-side interventions and enabling-environment measures have successfully expanded commercial markets into previously underserved off-grid areas. However, millions remain unable to afford even the most basic energy products. Demand-side subsidies (DSS) seek to address this affordability gap and ensure that no one is left behind.

  • 2019

    • Report —  

      This document illuminates the progress of the overall programme and its country projects made in 2019 by looking at the outcome numbers from 12/2019.

    • Programming Report —  

      This document contains the planned interventions for the development of the programme for 2020 and the country projects and takes a look at the outcomes from 06/2019.

    • Programming Report —  

      This document contains the updated planned interventions for the implementation of the programme and projects for year 2019.

  • 2011

    • Programming Report —  

      This document contains the planned interventions for the development of the programme and projects for 2012.

    • Report —  

      This document illuminates the progress of the overall programme and its country projects made in 2011 by looking at the outcome numbers from 12/2011.