Celebrating Five Years of the RBF-Fund FASER

Energising Development (EnDev) Mozambique and the Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário (FDC) proudly celebrated five years of successful implementation of the Results-based Financing (RBF) Fund for Sustainable Access to Renewable Energy (FASER).
FASER has played a pivotal role in driving transformation in Mozambique. Since its establishment, the initiative has mobilised approximately 15 million euros for rural electrification and clean cooking projects, with contributions from various donors, including the Delegation of the European Union. Private sector companies have been instrumental in providing access to sustainable energy for over 1.5 million Mozambicans, while about 500 farmers have benefited from productive use technologies. Additionally, over 150 rural health units have been electrified, further enhancing the impact of this remarkable initiative.
The commemoration event, held in Maputo, brought together public authorities, representatives from the Minister of Mining Resources and Energy (MIREME), the European Union and Germany, the private sector, and the renowned Graça Machel. The participants discussed the results achieved by FASER so far, the challenges faced along the way and the lessons learned over these past five years. FASER has demonstrated remarkable adaptability as an instrument, addressing diverse challenges over the past five years, including assisting in the recovery efforts following cyclones, e.g. Idai in 2019, actively contributing to the COVID-19 response package, and contributing significantly to poverty reduction and boosting economic growth.
In addition, FDC, the implementing partner of FASER, has presented the outlook for the future, with emphasis on the new initiative: the “LNOB+ Access Window”. The initiative is aimed at financing solar home systems and improved cookstoves with a special attention to families in rural areas, families led by women, elderly people taking care of children, families living in resettlement areas, internally displaced people, and host communities. Thus, the “LNOB+ Access Window” aims to contribute to the achievement of SDG 7 by encouraging economic growth in more vulnerable settings – a crucial step for Mozambique’s development and well-being.