The Foundation for Community Development (FDC) and GIZ through the Energising Development Programme (EnDev) in Mozambique, are launching a call for proposals for the COVID-PLUS mechanism of the Humanitarian Window of FASER, “Fund for Sustainable Access to Renewable Energy”, a Results-Based Financing Fund (RBF).
The deadline for submission of applications by companies interested in submitting proposals for FASER has been extended until 26 March 2021.
The objective of FASER is to stimulate the value and distribution chain of renewable energy (RE) technology markets in Mozambique and promote a broader adoption of such technologies across the country, thereby contributing to the efforts of the Mozambican government to achieve the ambitious target of providing universal energy access by 2030.
The Fund promotes the dissemination of high-quality energy technologies into off-grid peri-urban and rural areas, as well as an increased uptake of these technologies by women. It furthermore aims at assisting particularly vulnerable populations to have access to reliable and modern energy.
CovidPlus is a funding mechanism especially dedicated to ensure that vulnerable populations continue to have access to energy and to ensure the business continuity of Energy Technology and Service Providers (Solar PV and ICS) in Mozambique during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Suppliers and distributors of decentralized renewable energy technologies are eligible for the RBF Fund. Implementers may be individual entrepreneurs, companies, associations, cooperatives, partnerships and/or consortia between local and international companies that carry out activities with the aim of selling eligible technologies to end consumers on a commercial basis.
The fund FASER is currently financed with resources from the multi-donor Energising Development Programme (Germany, Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland), the Grüne Bürgerenergie Programme financed by the German Government, Norad, as well as the European Union.
For further information and instructions for submitting proposals, please contact us at: