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Call for Applications: Consultancy Service to train Renewable Energy Entities in Uganda on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)


The Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for the Clean Cooking Sector-SEE-Clean Cooking programme is a five-year programme that was commissioned in 2020. It aims to strengthen the supply side of the clean cooking sector by supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in improving their business operations and gaining access to finance for upscaling and innovation. The program consists of two main project components, the African Biodigester Component (ABC) and the Higher Tier Cooking Component (HTCC) which are implemented across seven countries including Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Niger, Burkina Faso, in Africa and Cambodia and Bangladesh in Asia. In Uganda, the ABC project is implemented by a consortium of SNV Uganda (lead implementer), GIZ Uganda and Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited (BSUL), while the HTCC project is implemented by GIZ Uganda (lead implementer) and CLASP. The two projects work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, as well as global thematic implementers supporting gender mainstreaming and business development services i.e.,  ENERGIA and Energy Enterprise Coach (EEC) respectively.

At the inception of both the ABC and HTCC projects, a detailed gender analysis was conducted which supported the development of respective Gender Action Plans (GAP). From these assessments and similar studies, it was observed that women are often marginalized and not given equal opportunities as their male counterparts in relation to the operation of clean cooking and biodigester enterprises. Hence the need to equip more companies to be gender sensitive and inclusive in the way they conduct their businesses.


The overal aim of this consultancy is to equip renewable energy SMEs especially solar, cooking and biogas enterprises in Uganda, with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to effectively support and enhance actions towards gender equity and  equality, and promote social inclusion.

  1. Foster a deeper understanding of gender dynamics and social barriers to women and other marginalized groups’ participation and progression within the renewable energy enterprises to empower the participating entities in addressing these gender barriers.
  2. Facilitate the development and implementation of gender-responsive and applicable gender-transformative workplace policies, strategies, and practices that promote marginalized groups’ (including women, youth, and people with disabilities) participation and leadership across clean energy business operations and value chain.

To Apply

Interested applicants can obtain relevant information about this call for applications through this link.

Application deadline

All applications must be submitted electronically by 3rd October 2024 at 4:00 PM (EAT)/ (2:00PM CET)